【同义词辨析】 2018-08-17 堕落debase-pervert

debase: implies a loss of position, worth, value, or dignity: issued a ~d coinage.

vitiate: implies the impairment or destruction of purity, validity, or effectiveness by introduction of a fault or defect: partisanship and factionalism ~d our foreign policy. (impair损害恶化: 使完整有效性降低to make less complete or efficient by deterioration,如years of smoking had impaired his health长年吸烟损害了他的健康) (defect本质缺陷,使无法运转, 如the smoke detector failed because of a mechanical defect由于机械缺陷烟雾探测器失效)

deprave: implies moral deterioration by evil thoughts or influences: hoping to banish ~d thoughts. (banish驱逐流放,如John was banished from England to Australia约翰被逐出英格兰流放到澳大利亚,例句表示努力排除)

corrupt: implies loss of soundness, purity, or integrity through the action of debasing or destroying influences: believes that jargon ~s the language. (integrity 1正直,2完整 ,如territorial integrity领土完整)

debauch: implies a demoralizing or debasing through sensual indulgence: led a ~ed life after the divorce.

pervert: implies a twisting or distorting from what is natural or normal so as to debase it completely: ~ed the original goals of the institute.

debase贬抑: 降低地位价格价值尊严等,vitiate损害: 由于带来(introduction)缺点缺陷,损坏或毁坏纯洁有效性(purity,validity,effectiveness),deprave堕落: 受不良思想影响(evil邪恶好像有点重,这里译成不良),导致道德退化( 如this book is likely to deprave youngsters这本书可能会使青少年堕落 ),corrupt腐蚀腐败: 降低健康纯洁完整性等,debauch放荡放纵: 沉溺于感官sensual表示感官负面意涵,正常微风让人感觉舒服用sensuous,pervert扭曲变态: 扭拧变形变得完全不自然不正常

记忆方法: 1)首字母DVDCDP排序成PDCDVD胖的丑玩的, 变变爱<==堕落

         2)堕落的意思是品质品格下降mean to cause deterioration or lowering in quality or character. (deteriorate下降恶化,如~ of situation情势恶化,又如~ of memory记忆力下降, 该词和impair互释,表示不如之前完整有效,一个强调动作一个强调结果)